Strauss Surgical
In 2006, Strauss was founded with a singular belief—that access to groundbreaking medical device technology should be affordable. Since than, American Medical Endoscopy has been Strauss' official North American distributor.
Today, Strauss is recognized as a leader in the precision manufacturing of laser welded HD endoscopes and surgical instruments due to a never-ending quest to improve product specifications within the field of endoscopy.
Produced in Europe, Strauss offers a growing portfolio of products spanning multiple specialties within the minimally invasive surgical field—including arthroscopy, laparoscopy, urology, gynecology, and otorhinolaryngology.
TAG Medical Products
TAG is an innovator in the field of medical equipment. TAG Medical Products was established as a subsidiary of a metal machine workshop that was founded in 1949. By 1992, the company had broadened development and production capabilities, and began blazing the trail towards its current position as a leader in the manufacturing of surgical instruments.
Today, TAG's primary goal is problem-solving, from design through development, and producing high-quality, cutting-edge medical solutions that can then be manufactured and marketed worldwide.
American Medical Endoscopy paired up with TAG Arthro - which produces sterile and non-sterile medical and surgical devices for Arthroscopy - in order to provide the highest quality of shoulder, hip, small joint and knee surgical instrumentation.